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Earth Day

Tips for a Physically Isolated Earth Month

Celebrate Earth Month this year from home! Here are some ways you can help out the planet, and your wallet, while staying safe during this global pandemic brought to you by the Office of Sustainability.

Social Distancing and the Environment

With mandatory social distancing orders around the globe, we are seeing how human activities can affect the world around us.

Positive Environmental Effects

There have been some positive effects on the environment observed since social distancing measures have been put in place.

Earth Week Events

For five decades, people have gathered on this day to show their commitment to the environment and to rally for change. To honor, celebrate and continue this legacy, the Office of Sustainability partnered with groups across the UC Davis community to organize Earth Month.

Challenge Yourself (and Others) to Live More Sustainably!

Are you wondering how you can still have an impact from home this Earth Month? Well, from April 20th-April 26th the Green Initiative Fund and the ASUCD Environmental Policy and Planning Commission are asking all of you to participate in the Earth Week Challenge!

2020 Earth Month Events

In 2020, UC Davis celebrated the 50-year anniversary of Earth Day with Earth Month, a whole month packed with events promoting sustainability. Prior to our campus moving to suspended operations in response to COVID-19, all of these events were planned in support of Earth Month. A number of events still happened virtually, which is indicated below.