Get involved and become part of the solution.
There are dozens of actions, small and big, that you can take every day to reduce your own environmental footprint, and help UC Davis make progress toward its sustainability goals.
Find out ways that different groups of individuals can get involved on campus.
- Sign up to volunteer with the Sustainability team
- Apply for a TGIF (The Green Initiative Fund) grant to bring your sustainability ideas to reality
- Make your office or lab a greener more resource efficient space with the Green Workplace program
- Stay informed and engaged by keeping abreast of the issues, opportunities, and events with the monthly Sustainability Newsletter.
A big part of the Sustainability office’s mission is to encourage, support and reward sustainable practices. Thank you for all your work and contributions to help make UC Davis more sustainable!
Sustainability Suggestion Box: UC Davis Health
Are you concerned about a product that generates unnecessary waste, and can you think of a better alternative?
Are you aware of a process that could be more efficient, or could be changed to have less harm on the environment while maintaining optimal patient care?
If so, please submit your idea in the Sustainability Suggestion Box, using the link below. Your idea will be evaluated and considered for implementation.
Sustainability Suggestion Box: UC Davis Health
Do you have an idea or a question? Reach out to us at

Do you know a Sustainability Champion?
Nominate any UC Davis or UC Davis Health student, staff, or faculty to receive a Sustainability Champion award!