Recycle from A-Z
Recycling A-Z
Item | What To Do With It |
Aerosol Can |
Davis Campus: If the container had paint/solvents in it, it is considered hazardous/universal waste and must be disposed of through Safety Services. UC Davis Health: Aerosol cans may be hazardous waste when they are non-empty and will no longer be used. Aerosol cans are not hazardous wastes when they have been emptied of contents. Reference Hazardous Waste Disposal or contact Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) at 754-2740. |
Aluminum Can |
Davis Campus: Recycle at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. UC Davis Health: Place empty cans in mixed recycling container. |
Aluminum Foil |
Davis Campus: Recycle at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. Please empty any food, liquid, or grease from the foil or foil pan before recycling. UC Davis Health: Clean aluminum place in mixed recycling container. Soiled / food soiled place in landfill/trash container. |
Audio Equipment |
Davis campus:
UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Battery |
It is illegal to throw batteries in the trash in the state of California. Davis Campus: Drop off at any multi-bin location on campus (find the closest multi-bin location on the campus Sustainability Map) or request a desktop battery bin or place in a box labeled "Battery Recycle" and intercampus mail to "Environmental Safety Facility" when full. See Safety Services Battery Recycling Program. UC Davis Health: Place batteries in appropriately labeled bucket. See Safety Services Battery Recycling Program. |
Bottle (food/beverage) |
Davis Campus: Recycle at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. UC Davis Health: Recycle plastic #1-#2, CRV in mixed recycling container. |
Bulk Recycling |
Sometimes a desk side recycle bin won’t do. For office, residence hall or apartment moves or major clean-outs, there are several options: Davis Campus:
UC Davis Health: For large office moves or major clean-outs please coordinate as needed with EVS and PO&M. Departments should assess items prior to disposal to ensure compliant and sustainable disposal practices (see medical supply donations). |
Can (food/beverage) |
Davis Campus: Recycle aluminum, tin and steel cans at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. UC Davis Health: Place in mixed recycling container. |
Candy bar wrapper |
Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Cardboard |
Davis Campus: Break down and recycle at any tan cardboard dumpster on campus (usually located in parking lot enclosure or loading dock of buildings). UC Davis Health: Break down all cardboard and place in appropriate recycling bin, or in designated area separate from landfill/trash. |
Cassette Tape |
Davis Campus: Place unwanted cassette tapes in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: If only a few, place into Confidential Document Shredding console. If more than a few, contact the Operational Waste Programs Administrator to coordinate a pickup by our confidential document vendor. |
CD |
Davis Campus: Place unwanted CDs in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: If only a few, place into Confidential Document Shredding console. If more than a few, contact the Operational Waste Programs Administrator to coordinate a pickup by our confidential document vendor. |
Cell Phone |
Davis Campus: Drop off at any multi-bin location on campus or intercampus mail to "Supply Chain Management Logistics". Find the closest multi-bin location on the campus Sustainability Map. UC Davis Health: Contact IT for return. |
Chip Bag |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Clothing |
Davis Campus: Donate to the Aggie Reuse Store if still in good condition. |
Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) bulb |
Davis Campus: see Light Bulb UC Davis Health: It is illegal in the state of California to throw CFLs in the trash due to the mercury content in the bulb. Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for Electrical – Electrical Support. |
Compost |
See food waste/organics. |
Computer and Peripheral |
Davis Campus: Contact Aggie Surplus for resale options or recycling. UC Davis Health: Contact IT. |
Confidential Document Shredding |
Davis Campus:
UC Davis Health: Place in the appropriate confidential document console / container. |
Containers (non-food/beverage) |
Davis Campus:
Davis Campus: Place unwanted DVDs in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: If only a few, place into Confidential Document Shredding console. If more than a few, contact the Operational Waste Programs Administrator to coordinate a pickup by our Confidential Document vendor. |
Electronics |
It is illegal to throw electronics in the trash in the state of California. Davis Campus:
UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Energy Bar Wrapper |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Expanded Polystyrene Foam |
Hold for re-use where possible (e.g. foam coolers). Landfill/trash container if must be disposed. To avoid foam coolers when buying lab products, please consider the following options:
Film (plastic) |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Floppy Disk |
Davis Campus: Place unwanted floppy disks in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: If only a few, place into Confidential Document Shredding console. If more than a few, contact the Operational Waste Programs Administrator to coordinate a pickup by our Confidential Document vendor. |
Fluorescent bulb/tube |
It is illegal in the state of California to throw fluorescent bulbs/tubes in the trash due to the mercury content in the bulb. See entry for "Light Bulb" |
Food Waste/Organics |
Davis Campus: Composting is available in a limited number of locations. Compost at a nearby compost bin if one is available in your vicinity. If not, dispose of in a landfill/trash bin. You can find locations that accept compostables on the Campus Sustainability Map. UC Davis Health: Place in compost container. Food/organics waste only, no “compostable” containers, utensils, cups, etc. |
Freezer |
Davis Campus: see Refrigerator UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Glass (food/beverage) |
Davis Campus: Recycle at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. Laboratory glass is not recyclable and must be disposed of separately. UC Davis Health (non-medical waste): Place in mixed recyclables recycling container. If in a lab area, coordinate as needed to place in a glass collection box. If a significant amount, contact EH&S and EVS to ensure not a safety risk to handle/dispose. |
Grocery Bag (Paper) |
Recycle clean paper grocery bags in any mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. |
Hardbound Book |
Davis Campus: Request a separate bin to recycle hardbound books from Custodial Services for an additional charge. UC Davis Health: If no metal or plastic binding, place in mixed recycling container. Otherwise, remove binding or place in landfill/trash. If large amount, please contact EVS for separate container to prevent overflow and heavy containers. |
Household Hazardous Waste |
Davis Campus: Many products used in homes and workplaces are hazardous and need to be disposed of safely, including glues and adhesives, nail polish and remover, solvents, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, etc. California law prohibits throwing many of these products in the trash. List of materials that cannot be put in the trash. |
Inkjet Cartridge |
Davis Campus: Currently not recyclable on campus. Please dispose of in the landfill/trash container. UC Davis Health: Currently not recyclable on campus. Please dispose of in the landfill/trash container. If recycling toner, please see the Toner section. |
Junk Mail |
Recycle in any mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. Remove any plastic film, foil, or adhesive sections. |
Kitchen Appliance |
Davis campus:
UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Landfill |
Davis Campus: Dispose of in landfill/trash container. There are many creative ways to reduce your landfill waste. For more ideas, stop by the Aggie Reuse Store next to the EcoHub or contact Waste Reduction and Recycling. |
Light Bulb |
It is illegal to throw fluorescent bulbs/tubes or CFL bulbs in the trash in California due to the mercury content in the bulbs. Davis campus:
UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for Electrical – Electrical Support. |
Magazine |
Recycle in any mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. |
Metal |
See scrap metal. |
Microfilm |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Newspaper |
Recycle in any mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. |
Office Appliance |
Davis campus:
UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Office Supplies |
Davis Campus: Contact Aggie Surplus for resale options or donate to Aggie Reuse Store. UC Davis Health: Reuse within department or donate to Aggie Surplus, create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Packing Peanuts/Air Pillows |
Davis Campus: Place packing peanuts/air pillows in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: Packing peanuts cannot be reused and must be disposed of in the landfill container. Place inflated air pillows in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. Airpillows must be inflated to be viable for reuse. |
Paper |
Davis Campus: Recycle at any mixed paper bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. If you are moving out or doing spring cleaning in your office you can get a larger paper bin to fill with papers and files you no longer need. For information on how to request that, go the Bulk Recycling section of this guide. UC Davis Health: Place non-confidential paper in mixed recycling container. |
Paper Shredding |
Paperback Book |
Davis Campus: Recycle in paper recycling bin if in small amounts. If large amount, please contact Custodial Services for separate bin to prevent overflow) for an additional charge). UC Davis Health: Place in mixed recycling container. |
Paperboard/Chipboard (e.g. cereal and tissue boxes) |
Recycle in any mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. |
Pens |
See Writing Instruments. |
Phone Book |
Recycle in any mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. |
Pipette Tip Box |
Recycle at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. No pipette tips. |
PLA (Polyactic Acid) |
Davis Campus: Compost at a nearby compost bin. You can find locations that accept compostables on the Campus Sustainability Map. |
Plastic Bag/Film |
Davis Campus: Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container or take clean, dry bags to Target or Safeway in South Davis for recycling. UC Davis Health: Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Plastic Container (#1-2) |
Recycle at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. |
Plastic Container (#3-7) |
Plastics #3-7 have a limited recycling market. Choose plastics #1 or #2 whenever you can. Davis Campus: Recycle #3-6 containers at any bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin on campus. Compost #7 PLA containers in compost bin and dispose of all other #7 containers. UC Davis Health: Dispose of plastics #3-7 in landfill/trash container. |
Plastic wrap |
Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Pyrex Glass |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
Red Solo Cup |
Refrigerator (Mini or Full Size) |
Davis campus:
UC Davis Health: Create PO&M Service Request (BEATS) for pick up by Move Crew. |
Scrap Metal |
Davis Campus: Recycle at one of these designated metal recycling locations:
UC Davis Health:
Small Electronic |
Davis Campus:
Softbound Book |
Recycle in mixed paper recycling bin if in small amounts. If large amounts, see Bulk Recycling section of this guide. |
Steel Cans |
Recycle in bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin. |
Sticky Notes |
Recycle in mixed paper or mixed recycling bin. Please tear off the sticky adhesive area before recycling. |
Tin Can |
Recycle in bottle/can/containers recycling bin or mixed recycling bin. |
Toner |
Mail Services toner recycling is for toner cartridges only. Used toner tubes, bottles, and other toner containers are not accepted. View the section on toner recycling on the Supply Chain Management website for more details. Contact for questions and options for recycling other toner packaging. Davis Campus: Place up to three used toner cartridges in a sealed box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: Place up to three used toner cartridges in a sealed box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. |
Transparency |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. |
UPS Battery |
Davis Campus: Contact Aggie Surplus for resale options or recycling. |
Video Tapes (VHS) |
Davis Campus: Place unwanted video tapes in a box, label “Recycle” and place with outgoing internal mail. UC Davis Health: If only a few, place into Confidential Document Shredding console. If more than a few, contact the Operational Waste Programs Administrator to coordinate a pickup by our confidential document vendor. |
Visual Equipment |
Davis Campus:
Wooden Pallet |
Davis Campus: Drop pallets off to be recycled by Supply Chain Management Logistics at 615 Hopkins Road UC Davis Health: Return to Vendor or Distribution for re-use. Pallets for disposal are collected at the 14th Ave Warehouse. |
Writing Instruments |
Currently not recyclable on campus. Dispose of in landfill/trash container. Choose refillable pens and pencils when you can, and reduce waste by just replacing the lead or ink refills. |