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Image of bike cages at the Gateway parking lot on the UC Davis campus.

Sustainability Performance Reporting 

Sustainability Performance Reporting

UC Davis reports on sustainability performance in various reporting systems in order to track campus sustainability progress, assess areas for improvement, and utilize harvested data to strategically improve campus sustainability.  

UC Annual Report on Sustainable Practices 

UC Davis annually assesses its progress on the goals outlined in the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices. The data collected is published in the Annual Report on Sustainable Practices along with data from other UC campuses. The annual report is presented to the UC Board of Regents in January.  

You can view the historical list of Annual Reports on Sustainable Practices here. For more information on UC Davis’s progress on UC sustainability goals visit the Our Goals page.  

Sustainability Assessment, Tracking and Rating Systems (STARS) 

UC Davis maintains a certified report in STARS, a sustainability reporting system hosted by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE). STARS is a comprehensive sustainability rating system for colleges and universities that addresses environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability. Information from the UC Davis STARS submission feeds into other sustainability ranking metrics such as the Princeton Review’s Green Honor Roll. View information about how STARS aligns with goals in the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices by visiting the Sustainability Performance Assessment page. 

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals & Voluntary University Review 

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a framework for addressing the global challenges that humanity faces. UC Davis SustainabilityGlobal Affairs, and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are working together to create a Voluntary University Review (VUR) to document the campus’s progress on SDGs and utilize as a baseline measurement for future assessment. To learn more about the UC Davis VUR effort click here.  

University of Indonesia’s (UI) GreenMetric World University Rankings 

UI GreenMetric evaluates universities in areas such as energy and climate change, waste, water, transportation, and education and research. UC Davis annually submits data to UI GreenMetric in October. Our annual rankings are available on the Rankings and Awards page.  

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

UC Davis reports annual greenhouse gas emissions and a nitrogen footprint. The Sustainability office hires student staff to help construct the inventories, and students from the S.E.E.D.S. student organization use the nitrogen footprint data for various club projects.  

For more information about greenhouse gas reporting visit the Climate goals page.  

Practice Greenhealth 

UC Davis Health reports sustainability data annually through the Environmental Excellence Awards hosted by Practice Greenhealth. View information about how Practice Greenhealth aligns with goals in the UC Policy on Sustainable Practices by visiting the Sustainability Assessment for Health Operations page. 

For UC Davis accolades in sustainability, visit the Rankings & Awards page.