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Earth Week Events

April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day

Sketching Sustainability with Pete Scully

Image of purple bike drawing.Pete Scully, UC Davis staff member and locally renowned sketch artist, led a Zoom meeting where participants sketched sustainability. A recording of that event is available here.

For five decades, people have gathered on this day to show their commitment to the environment and to rally for change. To honor, celebrate and continue this legacy, the Office of Sustainability partnered with groups across the UC Davis community to organize Earth Month. While many events have been canceled or postponed in the face of the pandemic, there are still ways to participate virtually.

For a full calendar of events, campaigns and ways to get involved visit the Earth Month website. Here are events you can participate in this week in honor of Earth Day and this momentous 50th anniversary.

50/50/50: 50 Years Ago, Today and 50 Years From Now  |  Submissions accepted now thru - December 31, 2020
In honor of 50 years of Earth Day, the Office of Sustainability is gathering creative expressions from the community. Submit an essay or a poem; a picture, a piece of music, a short film, or some other expression of our history, our present and/or our future. Your work will be shared via our website and various social media channels. Send your contributions to now through the end of 2020.

4/20-4/26 Earth Week Challenge  |  Challenge Yourself and Others to Live More Sustainably
The Green Initiative Fund and the ASUCD Environmental Policy and Planning Commission are challenging you to live more sustainably. The Earth Week Challenge is a social movement to encourage and showcase sustainable practices. Set a challenge for yourself, post it, and challenge your friends to do the same. Find inspiration and information on the Earth Week Challenge website.

Tuesday, April 21  at  10 a.m.  |  Facebook Live 
Ask the Garden Gnomes: Naturing at Home

Join Rachel Davis, GATEways horticulturist for the Arboretum and Public Garden, on Facebook Live as she shares how to participate in the upcoming City Nature Challenge (April 24-27) by using the iNaturalist app to document the natural world in your backyard or near your home, all while following proper social distancing. Watch live by visiting the Arboretum and Public Garden's Facebook page at 10 a.m. (A recording of the presentation will also be available on this page afterwards.)

Wednesday, April 22 at 10 a.m. |  Facebook Live 
Earth Day “How-To” Tree Planting 

The Arboretum and Public Garden is hosting a how-to on proper tree planting on Facebook Live. The event will be hosted by Abbey Hart, special projects nursery manager, and Annika Peterson, an intern on the APG Learning by Leading Tree Team. Carbon Neutrality Initiative fellow Sam Wah will also join the event to discuss the initiative and carbon sequestration of trees. Visit the Arboretum and Public Garden's Facebook page at 10 a.m. to get tree planting tips and ask questions directly to Arboretum experts.

4/27 World Climate Simulation
On April 27, UC Davis Global Affairs and Office of Sustainability are hosting a virtual role-playing exercise of the UN climate change negotiations. Register for free through Eventbrite for a Zoom invitation.
