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Challenge Yourself (and Others) to Live More Sustainably!

Challenge Yourself (and Others) to Live More Sustainably!

Earth Week LogoAre you wondering how you can still have an impact from home this Earth Month? Well, from April 20th-April 26th the Green Initiative Fund and the ASUCD Environmental Policy and Planning Commission are asking all of you to participate in the Earth Week Challenge! Choose your challenge from the list we’ve provided, or make your own! But don’t stop there, challenge your friends and family members. For the week leading up to 20th, pick your challenge and hop on Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat to announce your challenge while also challenging and inspiring others to do the same!



Share your challenges and challenge others on social media! Tag your friends in your post, and use the hashtags: #Aggiesstaygreen #EarthDay, #EarthMonth #EarthWeekChallenge, and #UCDavis.

Follow us on Instagram @ucdavis.sustainability, @tgifatucdavis and @ASUCD.EPPC and tag us in your Earth Week posts!


Here’s our template for posting your challenge and challenging others,  but it's yours to customize!

  • “Hi, I’m (Name), and for the Earth Week Challenge I’m going to (Challenge)”
  • “I’m challenging you, (Name of Friend/s), to pick your own Earth Week Challenge!”
  • “I’m challenging you, (Name of Friend/s), to (Challenge) for Earth Week!”




Food and Waste | Water Use | Energy Reduction | Education | Or Create Your Own Challenge!

Food and Waste




Energy Consumption




Or Create Your Own Challenge!

There are so many ways to be sustainable, and we need to embrace all of them to ensure a better future. We encourage you to create your own challenge that best suits your goals! If you need more inspiration, visit
