Sustainability is hiring!

Image of artistic work that says protect our planet with a cropped drawing of the earth.


About Sustainability at UC Davis 

Sustainability at UC Davis has a long history connected to our academic and public service work. Dedicated staff at UC Davis and UC Davis Health have helped expand campus sustainability through long-term planning, implementation, assessment and engagement work. 

What do we mean by sustainability? 

UC Davis' Blueprint for a Green Future explains our holistic philosophy: 

"Sustainable practices support ecological, human, social and economic vitality for both our campus and the global community. Sustainable actions meet present needs while enhancing the environment and the ability of future generations to thrive." 

Sustainability is about people, collaboration and community. The entire UC Davis community can tackle the challenge of making our campus more sustainable. Participating actively fosters an increased sense of personal stewardship of the campus and can help community members learn more about the complex relationships that characterize sustainability.